Our Providers

Dr. Noël Crosby
Meet Dr. Noël Crosby
Our clinic is headed by Dr. Noël Crosby, who has been an audiologist for over 26 years. She is a magna cum laude graduate of Florida State University, where she also completed her masters degree, and she earned her doctorate in clinical audiology from the University of Florida. She was on the inaugural board of the Florida Academy of Audiology, served as its president in 2000 and 2009.
Dr. Crosby worked at Sarasota’s Silverstein Institute for 14 years, for the last six of which she was Director of Audiology. While there she established the Institute’s cochlear implant program as well as Sarasota Memorial Hospital’s infant hearing screening program. In 2006 she established her own clinic. Because she operates independently of any hearing aid manufacturer, Dr. Crosby can provide her patients with unbiased evaluations and fit them with whatever hearing devices might best suit their individual needs. She has fitted hearing aids from a wide range of manufacturers, including Phonak, Oticon, Widex, Siemens, Rexton, and many more.
A founding member of her local Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), Dr. Crosby has also served on the board of directors of the Deaf Service Center of Manatee and Sarasota counties. She is a member of the American Academy of Audiology, Academy of Doctors of Audiology and Florida Academy of Audiology. In 2009 she also started AuDBling.com, A Hearing Loss Awareness Company.
She has coauthored professional papers on multichannel cochlear implants and on electrical audiometry in the diagnosis of acoustic neuromas, and she has lectured throughout the state of Florida on hearing loss and hearing therapies.
Dr.Crosby maintains a clinical office at a convenient location south of Sarasota in Englewood, FL.