5 Keys to Communication Success

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We are happy to offer an excellent program called 5 Keys to Communication Success. It is designed to help you overcome the frustrations associated with hearing loss, and has produced positive results for thousands of people.

5 Keys to Communication Success is an auditory rehabilitation program for people with hearing loss and their communication partners. It teaches comprehensive communication strategies using methods that are easy to understand and incorporate into your daily life.

You will learn the 5 Keys to Communication Success:


Communication Handbook with Worksheets

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5 Keys to Communication Success
 is a critically-acclaimed handbook packed with tips and strategies to help you and your loved ones communicate effectively in any environment. It teaches you how to apply the 5 Keys to Communication Success in the most challenging situations, such as: around the house, in the car, dining out, at public events, and on the phone. The handbook includes worksheets so you can design your own Successful Communication Plans for the situations where you struggle most.

Weekly Lessons Delivered by Email or Through Our New Mobile App

To supplement what you learn in the handbook, you will also receive lessons via email or through our mobile app once per week for an entire year.  The lessons are short, fun, and packed with important information.  Each lesson contains links to additional training exercises and resources to help you get the most out of your hearing devices and overcome common challenges related to hearing loss.

Contact our office for more information.